Lapbooks for the Holy Week Events & Easter with Rocks
To Buy Lapbooks, Click Here
Help children deepen their understanding of the last week of Jesus's mortal ministry - the greatest events of the world, with these simple lapbooks for children. Excellent for home study, home school, sunday school, children's ministries, and even zoom/online connections with children.
Try one out for just $3 (Resurrection Easter).
Or get the Complete Set of 8 for just $10.
💜 Palm Sunday 💔 Judas Betrays Jesus 💙 The Last supper 💚 Washing the Disciples Feet 💔 The Garden of Gethsemane 💔 The Cross 💔 Buried in a tomb ❤️ and Resurrection Easter 💛.
This is a download - a printable booklet, which you then cut out and add to a standard file folder 📁 to create the lapbook. No physical product will be shipped to you.
Your kids will love building these Lapbooks and remembering what happened in the last week of Christ's mortal ministry, and why we love Him--our Savior and Redeemer.
Rock Art Animations and Tutorials come with the Lapbooks
Every lapbook includes a QR Code link to a 2-minute rock animation ("rockmation") of the rocks telling the story of the specific Holy Week event. Five of the 8 lapbooks also include full tutorials on how to make the rock art.
Experience The Cross Tutorial that comes with The Cross Lapbook:
Details - 34 Page Printable + Videos
This Download Kit for the Complete Set Includes:
🌟 34-page Printable to create the 8 Lapbooks, one for each day or event of the Holy Week.
🌟 1 Video - How to assemble the lapbook from the printable: https://youtu.be/k6sw09H8T8Q
🌟 1 Video - What rock shapes to find
🌟 8 Videos - Rocks tell the stories of each Holy Week Event.
🌟 5 Videos - Tutorial for Kids to make the more complex scenes of the holy week.
Lapbook Printable Elements:
📂 - Scripture Scroll, Recap & Review
📂 - Bible Story Pocket and Title Tag
📂 - Write and Draw It and Rock Art Label
📂 - What Does It Mean
This Digital Download Kit contains a 34-Page printable booklet (8 1/2 x 11) AND full-length rock art video tutorials to help your children find and use their own rocks and pebbles to create the resurrection tomb.
The children assemble their own lapbooks, work through the activities, watch the tutorials, and make their own Holy Week rock art pictures.
A Bonus Video gives Step-by-Step instructions on how to put the lapbooks together and how to use them.
These 8 lapbooks are optional companion activities to the hardbound book, He Is Risen - Rocks Tell The Story of Easter on Amazon at: https://amzn.to/3KNgFC1
Again, this is a download - a printable booklet, which you then cut out and add to a standard file folder 📁 to create the lapbook. No physical product will be shipped to you.
To Buy Lapbooks, Click Here
Also, the Gospel for Kids Youtube Channel Published this free 7-min. tutorial I created for them:
Here's the link: https://youtu.be/1t60NWD_qtM
In the vid above, we're making this:
Thank you for teaching the little ones in your life about our Savior, Jesus Christ.