Rocks Tell Stories
He is Risen - Rocks Tell the Story of Easter
He is Risen - Rocks Tell the Story of Easter
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Large Hardbound Picture Book with embossed foiled cover.
Dimensions : 11.05 x 9.3 inches
This is book 2 in the 4-part series.
See the videos below showing the art in the book animated like claymation. This is a wonderful gift book for Easter, Christmas Baptisms, Confirmations, Birthdays, Get Well, and any opportunity to spread hope. Imagine seeing these in Easter baskets to include the real meaning of Easter along with the bunnies and eggs.
See inside the book:
Trailer (1 min)
Watch more videos! Click this playlist on Youtube.
By arranging a few rocks together, an entire story can be told. He Is Risen, Rocks Tell the Story of Easter, created by Patti Rokus, is an unforgettable picture book that uses majestic rock art, Scripture, and simple yet powerful text to inspire wonder and awe as the miracle of Easter unfolds across the pages. Readers will be absorbed in the nature-filled artwork that shows the death and resurrection of Jesus in a bold and unique way.vThe cover of this book captivates with foil and sculpted embossing.
Praised by Publishers Weekly (Trade Magazine): "An inventive and moving telling of the Easter story!"
"Following A Savior Is Born: Rocks Tell the Story of Christmas, Rokus offers a visual narrative of Jesus’s crucifixion and resurrection through artful arrangements of stones, with scripture verses appearing throughout. The figure of Jesus is crafted with a round, stone head, and shapely rocks form his sweeping robe: “Jesus came to earth to bring healing and joy to all who follow Him, and to lead us home to God.” Rokus represents “people who wanted to kill Him” as sinister stone faces with angry, slanted eyebrows and open mouths. Other scenes depict Jesus riding a stone donkey, washing the disciples’ feet, on the cross, and his resurrection: “After three days, Jesus came back to life! We will all live again because He conquered death.” An inventive and moving telling of the Easter story."
Videos at
Get The Entire Heirloom Collection:
- A Savior is Born - Rocks Tell the Story of Christmas
- He Is Risen - Rocks Tell the Story of Easter
- Bible Stories Rock - Rocks Tell the Stories of the Old Testament (Presently only in smaller paperback, but the series hardbound is coming in 2025, when a publisher is secured.) Each story includes links to videos.
- The Miracles of Jesus - COMING! Join Patti's newsletter to watch or participate in the creation of the rock art and book.
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