Rocks Tell Stories
A SAVIOR IS BORN - Rocks Tell the Story of Christmas
A SAVIOR IS BORN - Rocks Tell the Story of Christmas
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- This is book 1 in the 4-part series.
- Large Hardbound Picture Book, with embossed foiled cover.
- Dimensions : 11.05 x 9.3 inches
Watch the videos below of the art in this book being animated.
This timeless Christmas nativity picture book captivates all audiences, perhaps because almost everyone knows what it's like to pocket a few rocks when out walking. Artist/Author, Patti Rokus says "Rocks tell stories." And her beautiful collectible coffee table books are igniting the imaginations of young and old. By arranging a few rocks together an entire story can be told. A Savior Is Born, Rocks Tell the Story of Christmas, is an unforgettable picture book that uses majestic rock art and simple yet powerful text to inspire wonder and awe as the miracle of Christmas unfolds across the pages. Readers will be absorbed in the nature-filled artwork that shows the birth of Jesus and the celebration of the very first Christmas in a powerful and unique way. And all ages everywhere will soon find themselves picking up rocks to tell their own stories.
Watch over 200 videos of rock art creation on Patti's Youtube channel:
Watch the rock art come alive as Patti sings a song she wrote for the Christmas book. Lyrics and music by Patti, and are available to you for free here.
FREE - Download the .mp3 song and sheet music, "Little Baby Jesus."
45-sec video:
Building the Book:
Free DIY Videos on YouTube at:
Get The Entire Heirloom Collection:
- A Savior is Born - Rocks Tell the Story of Christmas
- He Is Risen - Rocks Tell the Story of Easter
- Bible Stories Rock - Rocks Tell the Stories of the Old Testament (Presently only in smaller paperback, but the series hardbound is coming in 2025, when a publisher is secured.) Each story includes links to videos.
- The Miracles of Jesus - COMING! Join Patti's newsletter to watch or participate in the creation of the rock art and book.
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